Thursday, February 1, 2007

Belize from the air

Flying over Belize for the first time I couldn't help notice an awful lot of popcorn. It's a good thing I like popcorn. I think I'm gonna like Belize.

Arriving in Dangriga

Dangriga doesn't look like much at first glance, but if you stay awhile you will find that it's the people that make this place special.

Home away from home.

Well, this is where I stayed while in Belize. A little paradise on the beach in Dangriga called Island Adventures. I bunked just to the right at Ruthies Cabana.

Drums of Dangriga

During my first night in Dangriga, Andrew and Leif from Island Adventures, showed me the Garifuna way at a drumming session downtown. A nice place for a Belikin is what I say, and if you ask Leif how's life, he'll tell you he's fine. If you ask Andrew, he'll tell you to ask Leif. I was confused....but I still like Belikin.

The beach at night

While the beach at night is spectacular to look at, you might want to keep your skin coated with insect repellant. The sandflies had a feast on my northern tan. Oh, and in case you haven't had a sandfly bite yet, let me tell you......they are itchy as hell. Make sure the repellant you use is tropical grade with at least 30% DEET (not 6% like they have in Canada). If you don't use the right repellant then you're gonna need tropical grade beer to dull the itching.

Last minute instructions

The next morning things were pretty busy at Island Adventures. I met about 15 people who work for them and all of them had 2 names. Talk about confusing. I had an extra coffee that morning, .......not to help me remember names........just because it tasted good. As I met more two-named people I found a simple trick to help remember their names.....ask them twice! I wonder if some of them get 2 paychecks? Anyway, here Leif is giving last minute instructions prior to their departure to some remote island.

Need a vacation?

If you do, then this is the place.................sit back, relax and enjoy the beauty.

Out for a stroll

And I thought I was the only white guy that walked beach.........

A helping hand

One thing I noticed about Belize and Dangriga in particular, is how helpful and friendly the Belizean people are. Here, Bol is giving me a hand moving some kayaks to the repair shop. I promised Bol that I would put a photo of him on the internet. Well ladies, ......get in line. :)

First days on the job are rough

Here's Bobo, on his first day at work in the repair shop. He's having a hard time finding the on button.

In for a retrofit

This kayak has seen better days. In a few days, the local Kayak Doctor will have this thing looking new again.

Found it!!!

Bobo finally finds the on button and they're on their way. Alot of work will be done to this boat before it's ready to see the ocean again.